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Find My Emotion

This project is designed to help people with mild (high functioning) autism to help distinguish how other people feel. The way I attempted to do this is to have a small world to explore, with a hand full of people to talk to, where each person had a different emotion that the player has to uncover. I used Unity 2018.3.11f1 to create the whole game and collected the assets for the character models from the asset store. I created the seamless tile for the grass, sand and water textures for the terrain object and the water plane. I watched Brackeys' youtube tutorials to learn how to code the dialogue system using C# and modified it to work with the mood wheel I created so the player could input what emotion the character was feeling.

Ideally if this game was going to be truly successful it would require graphical work to create animations for facial expressions and voice lines as those are the main way people share their emotions and how we best communicate, but instead, I had to opt for a text-based dialogue system which made it difficult to convey emotions effectively. 

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